Blizzard Video Policy
Blizzard Entertainment strongly supports the efforts of its community members who produce community videos (referred to hereafter as a "Production") using video images, footage, music, sounds, speech, or other assets from Blizzard’s copyrighted products ("Blizzard Content"), subject to a few conditions. Note, however, that Blizzard Content does not include trailers or advertisements promoting Blizzard games or services that are not incorporated into a Blizzard game.
The Fundamental Rule
First and foremost, note that except as specifically provided herein, Blizzard Entertainment requires that the use of Blizzard Content must be limited to non-commercial purposes.
What this means
As a community content creator, you are permitted to create video productions using Blizzard’s Content, and to distribute them freely on your website, or on other websites where viewers can freely view your Production.
Limitation of Usage
Neither you nor the operator of any website where your Production(s) may be viewed can force a viewer to pay a "fee" to be able to view your Production(s).
Regarding Websites and "Premium Access"
We understand that many third party websites have a "free" method to see their video content, as well as a ’premium’ membership service that allows for speedier viewing.
For clarity, please note that as long as the website that hosts your Production provides a free method to allow viewers to see the Production, Blizzard Entertainment will not object to your Production being hosted on that site, regardless of the site’s "for pay" premium service plans.
Guidelines for distributing Productions with Blizzard Content
Note that Blizzard Entertainment’s restriction that Productions be limited to "non-commercial" uses also means that you may not license a Production you have created to another company for a fee, or for any other form of compensation, without specific written permission from Blizzard Entertainment to do so. Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to use its products for all commercial purposes. The only exceptions to this rule are if you participate in partner programs with YouTube,,,, or (the “Production Websites”) whereby a Production Website may pay you for views of a Production if you are accepted into their partner program.
Your Production should meet the rating guidelines for "T" rated Productions
To maintain and protect the image of our games, Blizzard also requires that Productions maintain the "T" rating that has been given to its products by the ESRB, and similar ratings received from other ratings boards around the world, and that these standards are taken into account during the creation of your Production.
Blizzard support of Film Festivals, Contests, and Broadcast opportunities
If you have created a Production that meets the guidelines above that you would like to enter into a film competition or festival, or if you encounter the opportunity to have your Production shown on television, Blizzard Entertainment is happy to support your efforts by, pending review and approval of your Production, providing a content use license for your Production.
If you are a website operator, film festival organizer, or broadcaster and you are interested in running a "Community video contest," where Productions that use Blizzard Content will be allowed entry into the contest, we are happy to inform you that Blizzard allows websites, Film Festivals, and Broadcasters to run video contests as long as the "total prize package"(cash and prizes) for the contest does not exceed $500.00 USD. If, however, you are interested in running a video contest that will feature Productions that use Blizzard Content where the total value (cash and prizes) of all of the prizes exceeds $500.00 USD, you will need to obtain a license from Blizzard in order to hold the contest.
What is a content use license?
In the event that you are required to prove to the contest organizer, festival committee, or television broadcaster that you have Blizzard Entertainment’s permission to use Blizzard Content in your Production, a content use license is provided. This license serves to prove you have the rights to use your Production materials specifically for that event.
Important notes
For business reasons, there may be times when Blizzard will need to terminate your right to distribute or host a specific Production, and in such a case, Blizzard shall have the right to do so without notice or liability to you. A content use license is not unlimited: it permits the use of the Blizzard materials in your Production only for the ’event’ that the license has been issued for, and in the specific methods outlined in the license.
Educational Use of Production Materials
Blizzard Entertainment supports the use of its game assets for educational purposes, and you are welcome and encouraged to create a Production for a school project, master’s thesis, etc. All limitations above still apply to Productions created for educational purposes.
Inclusion of Sponsor Names, Logos, or Affiliates
Knowing that there are organizations out there willing and ready to support producers in the video community, the mentioning of producer or contest sponsors, through methods such as logos at the beginning of the production, or the verbal mentioning of sponsor names, is permissible.
However, you may not include more than 10 seconds total of sponsor promotion per Production. Additionally you must visually include the text "Sponsored By" when being displayed. Simple text ’credits,’ included at the end of your Production and unaccompanied by logos, slogans, or other methods of visual isolation, are not bound by this restriction.
For further information
In the event that you have any questions about your Production in regards to Blizzard Entertainment’s Video guidelines or would like to inquire about obtaining a license as described above, feel free to send us a note at